Products with encryption capabilities (e.g. laptops, computers, network switches and routers, mobile phones, etc.) should have a special permission to the territory of the Eurasian economic union (the EAEU) — Notification.
The notification is an official document issued by the manufacturer of the product and certified by the security authorities of the EAEU member country. With the introduction of the notifications manufacturers and importers became obligated to inform the governments that the imported devices contain cryptographic means. Security authorities of all countries of the EAEU verify provided information and make decision whether to accept and register the notification or refuse to do so. As a successful outcome of this procedure the registered notification is published in the Common register on the Eurasian Economic Commission website and can be used by anyone for importation, exportation and other purposes.
FSS (FSB) notification
Federal Security Service (FSS or FSB) is the security authority in Russia. As most notification are registered in Russia, terms “FSS notification” or “FSB notification” are frequently met. It is worth noting that the official term in the EAEU law is “Notification”, and it can be registered in any of the EAEU member countries.
While FSS is an abbreviation for the Federal Security Service, “FSB” is just a romanization of Russian “ФСБ” — acronym for “Федеральная служба безопасности” (“Federal security service” in russian). Of course, both definitions “FSS notification” or “FSB notification” are interchangeable.
Also, as all registered notifications are publicly available for use by anyone it does not matter if you register notification in FSS/FSB or in the security authority of any other member state of the EAEU.
Specifics of registering notification in FSS (FSB)
The FSS (FSB) Notification is to be executed and signed by the manufacturer or any other company authorized by manufacturer to do this. With a Power of Attorney from the manufacturer such applicant can submit documents to the Federal Security Service on behalf of manufacturer. The Power of attorney should be accurately composed, certified by notary, and legalized to be accepted by the FSS.
The FSS (FSB) accepts only hard copy of all documents including the Power of Attorney.
FSS will only register the notifications for products that fall within Chapter 2.19 (Encryption (cryptographic) means) of the Appendix 2 to the EEC Decision No 30 of April 21, 2015 by both their name and HS code. The FSS (FSB) Notification should list each cryptographic algorithm used by the product as well as respective key size and cryptographic protocol.
The documents for registration (signed notification, the POA, etc.) are to be submitted to the Center for Licensing, Certification and Protection of State Secrets (FSS special division), located in Moscow, Russian Federation.
The security authority registers the Notification within 10 working days. The Notification is then published in the Common register on the Eurasian Economic Commission website (this usually takes a few working days more). After this the Notification is “ready for use” for customs clearance and other purposes.
Our services
We can draw up a Notification for your product and register it in FSS. This would not require much effort from you:
Just send us general descriptions of your products
These may include instruction manuals, leaflets, datasheets, links to websites etc. -
We will draw up the Notifications for your products
Our experts will determine all the necessary technical and cryptographic parameters of your products and prepare the Notifications taking into account all specific requirements of the FSS. -
We will submit the Notifications to the FSS
We will act as your representative at Federal Security Service of Russia: we will submit notifications and negotiate with officials on your behalf. -
We will get the registered FSB Notifications at the FSS and send them to you